Welcome to Parampara Yoga and Wellness Studio
Experience the Future of Yoga in Bangkok
Book your class & start your yoga journey today!
Welcome to Paramapara Yoga and Wellness Studio
Experience the Future of Yoga in Bangkok
Book your yoga classes and start your wellness journey today!
Join the Best Yoga Studio in Bangkok
Become a part of a vibrant community of over 500+ happy yogis who share your love for the practice. Our yoga classes in Bangkok cater to all levels, making us the ideal choice for beginner yoga classes near you. Experience the future of yoga in Bangkok with our innovative and inclusive approach.
5-Star Reviews Across Multiple Platforms
Discover why we consistently receive 5-star reviews on multi-platforms from our satisfied students. We are proud to be recognized as the best yoga studio in Bangkok, leading the way in the future of yoga in Bangkok.
Yoga Classes in English and Thai
Practice yoga in your comfort zone! We offer yoga classes taught in both English and Thai, conveniently located in the Sukhumvit area. Whether you’re looking for Hatha yoga near you, Vinyasa yoga near you, or restorative yoga, we have the perfect class for you. Join us and be a part of the future of yoga in Bangkok.
Specialized Yoga Classes for Every Need
Our specialized classes include yoga for stress relief, yoga for seniors, yoga for office syndrome, yoga for back pain, and yoga for weight loss. No matter your needs, we have a class that will help you achieve your wellness goals. Embrace the future of yoga in Bangkok with our tailored offerings.
Join us today and find the perfect yoga class near you in Bangkok. Experience firsthand why our studio is the future of yoga in Bangkok!
Discover the path to wellness with Parampara Yoga and Wellness, the best yoga studio in Bangkok. We offer a variety of yoga services tailored to your needs, including group yoga classes, private yoga classes, corporate yoga sessions, and yoga studio rentals.
Discover the Future of Yoga in Bangkok at Parampara Yoga and Wellness
Join Parampara Yoga and Wellness in Bangkok for classes designed to alleviate stress and office syndrome. Improve flexibility, boost metabolism, and achieve true well-being. Find the best private yoga teacher in Bangkok. Explore our Green Room Yoga sessions. Sign up today!
Are you feeling the pressures of Bangkok's bustling city life?
Stress and office syndrome can take a toll on your well-being, leaving you achy and out of balance. At Parampara Yoga and Wellness, we offer yoga classes designed for the modern human being, addressing contemporary challenges with traditional wisdom.
Yoga Studio Near You in Bangkok
Conveniently located near BTS Phra Khanong in the Sukhumvit area and easily accessible by walking, our yoga studio in Bangkok Sukhumvit area, including our renowned Green Room, is your sanctuary for relief and rejuvenation. We honor the timeless power of yoga while understanding the demands of modern life.
Combat Office Syndrome and Stress
Our targeted yoga flows, especially those offered in The Green Room Yoga sessions, are specifically designed to alleviate office syndrome and help you manage stress. Whether you’re struggling with sleep or stress, our unique blend of movement and breathwork will help you unwind and achieve peaceful sleep.
Improve Flexibility and Boost Metabolism
Yoga at Parampara Yoga and Wellness, particularly in the calming environment of our Green Room, is more than just a physical exercise. It boosts your metabolism, aids in healthy weight loss, and improves your range of motion for better flexibility.
Transform Your Mind and Body
Experience a holistic transformation with our yoga classes in Bangkok. We empower you to move through your day with renewed energy and focus, bringing true well-being back into your life.
Finding the Best Private Yoga Teacher in Bangkok
If you prefer personalized attention, our experienced private yoga teachers in Bangkok offer customized sessions to meet your individual needs. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to deepen your practice, our private classes provide a tailored approach to help you achieve your personal wellness goals.
Ready to experience the Parampara yoga difference?
Ready to Experience the Parampara Yoga Difference?
Bangkok’s a bustling city, but the price of progress can be a tight grip on your well-being. Stress and office syndrome are all too common, leaving you feeling achy and out of balance. Here at our yoga studio, we offer a taste of the future of yoga in Bangkok: a practice designed for modern human beings.
Timeless Power of Yoga
At Parampara Yoga and Wellness, your destination for yoga classes near you in Bangkok, we believe in the timeless power of yoga. We have targeted flows to address office syndrome, sleeping troubles, and stress. Our unique blend of movement and breathwork will help you unwind, de-stress, and sleep peacefully.
Benefits of Yoga at Parampara
Yoga at Parampara Yoga and Wellness can boost your metabolism for healthy weight loss and improve range of motion, strength, and flexibility. We will transform you mentally and physically, empowering you to move through your day with renewed energy and focus.
Join Us for a Free Class
Join us and experience a future of yoga that brings true well-being back to Bangkok. Request a free yoga class to experience the true benefits of yoga below!
After a few months at Parampara Yoga and Wellness Studio I'm amazed at how much stronger and more flexible I've become. The instructors are fantastic at guiding you through challenging poses while keeping the atmosphere calming and centered. I leave every class feeling energized and relaxed.
Parampara yoga and wellness has become my haven for stress relief. The gentle flow classes help me unwind after a long day, and the focus on breathwork keeps me present in the moment. I always leave feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle anything.
Living near Sukhumvit, finding convenient fitness options can be tough. But Parampara Yoga and Wellness Studio is a hidden gem right next to the BTS Phra Khanong! Their beginner-friendly classes are perfect for anyone new to yoga. The instructors are patient and encouraging, making you feel comfortable learning the ropes. It's the perfect way to unwind after work without the commute hassle.
Yoga for beginners in Bangkok
Unlock Your Inner Zen: A Beginner’s Guide to Yoga Classes at Parampara Yoga and Wellness Studio Welcome to Parampara Yoga and Wellness Studio, your sanctuary for discovering the transformative power of yoga, especially tailored for beginners. At our studio, we believe that yoga is more than just a workoutâit’s a way of life. Whether you […]
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Yoga for Diabetes Management: A Holistic Approach to Better Health
Managing diabetes requires a holistic approach, and yoga can be a powerful part of that journey. Practicing yoga for diabetes helps support blood sugar control, reduce stress, and improve overall quality of life. In this guide, weâll explore the many ways yoga benefits those with diabetes, highlight some effective poses, and discuss how this ancient […]
Pranayama Yoga: The Art of Yogic Breathing
Pranayama yoga, one of the most transformative aspects of yoga practice, is much more than simple breath control. It is deeply intertwined with the mind, body, and emotions, helping to elevate our energy and promote overall well-being. In this blog, we will explore the power of Pranayama yoga, why itâs essential, and how you can […]
Make an appointment
Walk-in directly or call us at 0984759843 or add us on LINE APP ID-paramparabkkÂ
Our location
Taisin square, Behind Salon De Belle, 1521/2 Sukhumvit Rd, Phra Khanong Nuea, Watthana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand.
Opening Hours
Tuesday to Sunday
08:00 am to 08:30 pm
08:00 am to 12:00 pm
098-475-9843 English)
092-288-7040 (Thai)